Breast Reconstruction

Breast Reconstruction

Surgical breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure performed to restore the shape and appearance of the breast after mastectomy (surgical removal of the breast). Mastectomy is generally used in the treatment of breast cancer, and surgical breast reconstruction aims to improve the patient’s aesthetic appearance and achieve a symmetrical appearance in the breast area. There are several different techniques for surgical breast reconstruction. Two common methods are flap reconstruction and prosthetic reconstruction. Flap reconstruction: In this method, a new breast is created using tissues from another part of the body. The flap usually includes a piece of tissue taken from the abdomen (TRAM or DIEP flaps) or the back (latissimus dorsi flap). The removed tissue is transported to the breast area and a new breast shape is created there. This method is an option where your own tissue is used and a natural look is obtained.

Prosthetic reconstruction: In this method, a new breast is created using breast implants. After mastectomy, an implant is placed in the breast area and covered with skin and muscles. Prostheses can be artificial breast implants that contain saline or silicone gel. This method can provide a shorter operative time and a faster recovery process.

Surgical breast reconstruction is usually performed under general anesthesia and can be completed in stages or in the same session, depending on the patient’s condition and preferences. The duration of the procedure may vary depending on the method used and the patient’s condition. The healing process after surgical breast reconstruction can vary from person to person. Mild pain, swelling and bruising may occur for the first few days. There may be activity restrictions in the postoperative period and you may need to wear a special bra to support the breast area. The full recovery process can take several weeks to several months.

Surgical breast reconstruction can support patients’ psychological and emotional well-being as well as restoring physical appearance. Therefore, it is an important option for women who have had breast cancer and have had a mastectomy. The most appropriate method and timing for breast reconstruction should be decided together with a plastic surgeon, taking into account the patient’s condition and personal preferences.